Monday, September 26, 2011

Signs of Life

Koreans have really taken to the policy of No Child Left Behind. I saw this sign at a men’s bathroom: 

I’m guessing there is a shelf on the stall door for the child to sit on and stare at his dad making a deposit. Awkward..?

On a related note, you know how in American supermarkets they have those mini shopping carts for kids to push around and mimic their parent? Child’s play. My mom took a photo of this woman’s stall. Just … wow.

This whole sign arrangement made me laugh:

Hello Jiny.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of cuteness:

I nearly hit my head walking and laughing at the illustration:

Where am I? Oh.

And finally, I saw this sign at a restaurant, pointing the way to the bathroom. Why, Korea, why? It's just so .... why??


  1. But I thought you liked peeing sitting down.

  2. hm, i guess you were paying attention when i sat you down in that mini chair attached to the stall door...
