Friday, September 23, 2011

N Seoul Tower

N Seoul Tower is a neat little getaway high above the city. Going up there on foot is quite a feat/feet. We decided to cable car it.

I forgot to mention that we (I) needed some serious carbs for the grueling cable car ride. So we bought some sweet red bean pastries, baked in cast-iron moldings on the street. 3 for a dollar!

Remember the lovers locks on the bridge in Cheju? At the tower, they have lock trees! 

And walls!

Perhaps the world’s most uncomfortable benches. But gravity does have a way of making you sit closer to each other, hehe.

For a lunch break, we had black bean noodles and tea at the tower restaurant.

As hustle/bustle as Seoul is, if you make the time, there are some awesome scenic spots for simple and priceless me-time. Serene walking road down from the tower:

This miles long man-made stream running through Seoul is also a neat getaway. This project was the current president’s claim to fame when he was mayor of Seoul. Some believe it was his ticket to the presidency. I’ve known of presidents with far less credentials …

Now for the randomness. At some public bathrooms, they have these soap bars attached to metal rods. How can something so clever be so foul?

Thanks to those of you who've posted comments ^^


  1. The stream was my favorite spot when I visited. I loved everything about this post...from the food to the sites, it looked amazing!!!

  2. the red bean fish. i want that. also, some roasted chestnuts on the street. will you have some for me? :)

  3. Kristin, did you see the fish swimming in the stream too?
    David, it's funny you mention the chestnuts, i took a pic of some that i ate, i'll post it soon!

  4. 붕어빵!!! please bring back some Roy! And did you know that 짜장면 always tastes super yummy in Korea?? Maybe they use different msg than the U.S.!

  5. haha Jenny i would bring you back some but old, soggy bungabbang is kinda gross... yeah the jjajang we had at the tower was very good. i like the delivery kind too!

  6. Roy, you are now officially in the "Neat" Club. You, gracie, and Clive are it's only members because ONLY the three of you seem to use it in daily conversation (and are not 80 years old).


    P.S. And wHaT did your t-shirt say? "...RAP..." ??!!?!

  7. haha, the neat club! oh, my t-shirt says "gangsta rap made me do it"
