Friday, September 30, 2011

Kangwondo part 2

We took a short hike on this walking trail that led to a popular camping site. See the sign in the forefront? People like to put up large photos when they've been featured on tv shows, as a way to promote their business. Customers are such suckers. Like me! Oh, and look at the built-in wooden platforms for the tents!

On the walking trail, I encountered some awesome signs:

Allow me to translate for you. "Firsth, Thirdth, and go left if you want to receive your pension."

"Tooth climbing"

Misread this as Herb Nard. But it’s actually Herb Nara(land/country). I like Herb Nard better.

Herbnara is an interesting place, full of ... well, herbs. Herbs, trees, flowers galore. It smells great and it's just really well done. What I liked most is that there were small kids exploring, smelling, touching, and couples/families just getting away from it all, having quality time, taking photos (so many people here have high end dslr's!) By the way, how do Korean adults know every species of flower, tree, and root??

I will miss Kangwondo. I will miss the country and the simpler living:

Catching dragonflies

Catching corn

And chestnuts roasting on an open cauldron with fiery hot black swirling rocks. Nat King Cole had it all wrong.


  1. Firsth of all, let me tell you I love your blog!
    Twoth, it's spelled twoth, not tooth.
    Thirdth of all, how long will you be in Korea? I love your blog! Not that I'd wish anybody a permanent stay away from home, but I love your blog! And if it means you're gonna stop blogging when you're done being in Korea...

  2. thanksth karen!! and ah yes, twoth!
    hmm, i'll be here until october 6st. wasn't planning on doing a blog after my trip, but hmm, have to think about it ^^

  3. Oh, you're almosth done with your trip then!

    Have a great time in Korea. We'll be going in November. Safe travels to you!
