Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fine Art and Soju

On a day when we weren’t visiting relatives, we escaped to a nearby museum called Leeum. It’s a compound name merging “Lee” and “museum” :/   Lee is the head of Samsung Corp., and the dude’s got some money. This museum showcases his private collection of national treasures from the Shilla, Chosun and Koryo dynasties. 

Leeum also has a lot of contemporary art from Korea, U.S. and Europe. My dad thinks this museum is just a big tax shelter. Regardless, it’s pretty impressive with its elegant displays, perfect lighting, and architectural design. I wasn’t allowed to take photos of the art pieces, so I just took a few simple shots of other stuff:

Skylit spiral staircase:

Large spiders:

Sometimes one can find amazing, stunning art right on the street. For example, this random giant pile of poo:

Seoul has a neat mix of old and new architecture:

(I'll try to enter later and get better pics)

Today's closing thought. I should start a marketing campaign for the healing properties of soju (Korea's alcohol of choice). I burned my fingers trying to move a bowl that was sitting close to the Korean bbq flames. My aunt told me to quickly dip my fingers into my soju glass. At first my reaction was, “Hellz no, I’m going to drink that” but then I complied and it was instant relief! I couldn’t believe it. “Soju – Clean, Refreshing, Pain Relief.”


  1. old and new architecture... the new one was designed byt he office i used to work for in seoul! thanks for taking pictures of it!!

  2. Really? It's a beautiful building. It's hard not to notice and admire it!
