Monday, September 26, 2011

Hodge Podge

This is a gigantic maze of food stalls near Dongdaemun:

I ate one of my favorites (dukbokki), bean pancakes, and was introduced to cow liver and pig’s ears. I ate it, but wasn’t very happy about it:

This is World Cup Stadium, home of Seoul Football Club. As I passed by it, I imagined the sweet chaos of 2002, when the fans were going crazy as Korea reached the final four. 

The nearby subway station is adorned with huge banners of the FC players, and the entrance was constructed to resemble a stadium grandstand!

One of my cousins has 2 boys, whom I met for the first time. They loved the fact that I came from the U.S. The older one kept wanting to speak English with me. The younger one kept wanting to climb on my back, especially when I was eating:

Self-serve drinking cups at this small restaurant used UV rays to sterilize. I was hesitant to open the door since I didn’t apply my SPF 75. But I did put on my Raybans, and wore extra underwear, just in case.


  1. Roy, you are the friggin bomb pimp! Your masculinity makes me feel a little funny inside. hehe. No really, you rock bro. I can see in the pictures that you are the new and improved. You're the next Korean Idol. Vote for you. --Clive

  2. lol! Clive i'm glad my masculinity blesses you profusely, may it ever do so haha! and thanks for the vote!
